新渡戸記念日本庭園 Nitobe Memorial Garden
2)浅野二郎(1996):日本のランドスケープアーキテクト 森歓之助:ランドスケープ研究59(4),pp243-246.
3)森先生記念出版会編(1964):森歓之助の業跡と作品, 森先生記念出版会(非売品),pp11-16.
4)大草広和(1992):新渡戸記念庭園の改修、庭 第88号:建築資料研究社,pp156-158.
Dr. Nitobe Inazo, a renowned teacher, author and statesman who played an active role in world affairs, died in Victoria, Canada, in 1933. In his memory, his friends erected a small garden with a stone lantern which subsequently went to ruin during the Second World War. In 1958, however, a garden was planned to commemorate Dr. Nitobe’s life and work, symbolizing his goal of being “a bridge between Japan and America.” The garden was designed by Mori Kannosuke, who was at that time a professor of landscape architecture at Chiba University’s School of Horticulture. Mori not only designed the garden, but also stayed in Victoria for more than a year to oversee its construction. The local Nikkei gardeners who helped build the garden also continued to maintain it for more than 10 years after its completion. Furthermore, the Nikkei gardeners associated with this garden went on to form the core of the Vancouver Nikkei Gardeners’ Association. The garden, which was renovated in 1992 under the leadership of Masuno Shunmyo, has a pond at the center which symbolizes the Pacific Ocean. Trees from Japan were planted in one side, and trees native to North America were planted on the other. A bridge was then built over the pond to represent Dr. Nitobe’s dream of being “a bridge across the Pacific.”