滋賀公園 Shiga Park
1)伊藤邦衛(1995):伊藤邦衛の造園哲学⑬ 海外に日本庭園を創る、STONES、1995年1月号、六月書房, pp 61-64.
3)特集 日本の庭園作家集(1985):庭 別冊 第42号:建築資料研究社,pp 14-15, pp 75-77.
The Japanese garden “Praca Shiga” is located on a street corner in the city of Porto Alegre, which is the capital of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. The garden was presented to Rio Grande do Sul by its Japanese sister state, Shiga Prefecture. Construction began in 1983, and all materials were supplied locally. A pond was dug in the middle of the site; the soil from the excavation was used to build an artificial hill, creating an undulation in the landscape. The shape of the pond represents Lake Biwa, a symbol of Shiga prefecture, and also refers to the fact that the idea of constructing the Japanese garden took place during a conversation on a boat on Lake Biwa. A stone bridge was placed across the center of the pond, and an arbor was built at the water’s edge. A waterfall flows down the nine-meter-high artificial hill, which is in the image of Mt. Ibuki in Shiga Prefecture. All the stones used were locally supplied rounded granite stones. The plants in the area grow quickly, so in consideration of the local climate and subsequent maintenance, well-trimmed bushes were mainly chosen for the garden, and tall trees were planted to surround the site.