1984リバプール国際庭園博覧会/日本政府出展・日本庭園 Liverpool Japanese Garden in Festival Park
This Japanese garden was exhibited in the 1984 Liverpool International Garden Exposition, to which Elizabeth the Second was invited as president. The garden was awarded the top honors for the entire section as well as the permanent conservation garden section. It won both the gold medal prize and the judges’ first-place prize, and was chosen as best garden out of entries from 32 countries.
This is a stroll-style garden with an artificial mountain and miniature lake. The 3.3 meter high mountain was created on the flat northwest side of the site, with a waterfall running off the mountain. The water flows from a mountain stream into the pond at the center of the site. An arbor over part of the pond was designed to allow viewing of the garden from that vantage point. Nearly 500 tons of stone, all procured from the local area, were used to make the waterfall, the mountain stream, the stepping stones and the edge of the pond. In addition 1,478 trees were planted in the garden, enriching the landscape along with the stones. After the exposition ended, part of the site, including the Japanese garden, became a park. However, the tower, the garden lanterns, Tsukubai and other stone items were stolen because of insufficient supervision. Part of the arbor was damaged by arson; and the garden gate, tree gate and bamboo hedge were damaged as well. As of 2005, these items have not yet been restored.