モナコ日本庭園 Jardin Japonais de Monaco
敷地は地中海海岸に面しており、また国際会議場と隣接した場所にある。1100㎡の池と400㎡の流れのある池泉回遊式であり、瓦葺きの入り口門から入ると池を中心にして滝、流れ、休憩所、四阿等 を一望することができる。滝から流れ落ちた水は緩やかな流れとなり、八つ橋のかかる池へと至る。流れには水生植物が、池には中島(鶴・亀島)、州浜が取り入れられ花菖蒲が配植されている。他にも、茶室と露地、枯山水も作られている。暴風や潮風を防ぐため、オリーブやパラソル松と呼ばれる乾燥・塩害にも強い植物が海岸沿いに植栽されている。また、庭園下には観光バスと乗用車のための地下駐車場と管理者達の休憩所があり、屋上庭園ともされている。
1) 別府大輔(2005):モナコ公国日本庭園の成立過程と維持管理に関する考察:東京農業大学地域環境科学部造園科学科,pp8-21.
The Japanese Garden of Monaco was designed at the request of Prince Rainier, thereby fulfilling a desire Princess Grace had expressed during her lifetime. Construction of the 7,000 square meter garden took three years; it was inaugurated in 1994. Based on his work in the International Garden and Greenery Exposition in Osaka in 1990, the landscape architect Beppu Yasuo was appointed by the Principality of Monaco to design the garden. The site faces the Mediterranean seacoast and is located near the international convention center. The garden is a stroll garden comprising a pond (1,100 square meters) and stream (400 square meters). From the tile-roofed entrance gate, the garden provides visitors with a panoramic view of the central pond, waterfall and pavilions. Starting from the waterfall, a gentle stream with water plants leads to the pond with Yatsuhashi (zigzag bridge). The pond contains crane and turtle islands, Suhama (a pebbled beach) and Japanese irises. The garden also includes a teahouse, tea garden and dry garden. For storm protection, windbreak plantings of olive and Pinus pinea, which are durable plants for the dry and salty environment of the Mediterranean coast, were installed. The 450 tons of stone in the garden were all carefully chosen by the designer and gathered from the Tinée valley, Corsica and Auvergne. Plant materials were purchased in France, Germany and Italy. Timbers, roof tiles and bamboo fences were imported from Japan. The front entrance gate, pavilion and tearoom were fabricated and assembled in Fukuoka, then disassembled and transported to Monaco.
Technical instruction was conducted for local gardeners, and today a full-time trained staff maintains the garden. Due to the climatic differences of the Mediterranean, tree growth is slow. One side effect is that the camellias produce flowers that are larger than any seen in Japan, creating a lively landscape.