ノルドパーク日本庭園 Dusseldorf Japanischer Garten im Nordpark
1) 写真掲載(1985):緑と心のスペース構成、庭 別冊 46:建築資料研究社,pp93-94.
2) (財)国際花と緑の博覧会記念協会(2001):海外における日本庭園の実態調査業務委託報告書,ノルドパーク内日本庭園,pp50-53.
At the west end of the Nordpark in Düsseldorf is the 5,000 square-meter “Japanese Garden on the Rhine,” presented to the city by an association of Japanese companies and the local Japanese community in 1975. Within a relatively small area it presents an astonishing variety of landscapes. The view upon entry opens quickly to reveal the garden’s Japanese characteristics. Rhododendrons planted on the stairs and slopes on both sides of the garden entrance hide the garden from view until the last moment. The central pond, with a waterfall, island, boat landing and stone lantern, is backed by shaped Japanese maples and small, shaped pines. Behind these, large pines are “borrowed” from an adjacent garden. Garden stone was procured from a German riverbank. Iwaki Ishiguro designed the garden in a hill-and-pond style, and construction was carried out by Iwaki and six members of his staff. Iwaki Landscape Gardening offers maintenance guidance every three years, while German gardeners maintain the garden most of the time. The city of Düsseldorf and a local Japanese company share the expenses.
A Japan celebration and fireworks display takes place every year between May and September. A ceremony marking the 25th anniversary of the opening of the park was held in 2000.