在カンボジア日本国大使館及び大使館公邸庭園 Japanese Garden of the Embassy of Japan and the Official Residence of the Japanese Ambassador in Cambodia
The plan to make gardens of the Japanese embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia started in 1998, after getting rid of an uneasy political situation caused from the civil war. Architects and landscape architects from Japan came to start the first step research for the site and the materials (for example stone and trees for gardens) in September, 1999. It was found that natural rocks and stones for the garden could be used those from a quarry in the place of the north about 120km in Phnom Penh. Also stones for Nobedan and fine gravel for garden path were found in local market. And then the garden construction entered the preparation stage in August, 2001.
The area of the garden is about 3,000㎡, and the main features are a waterfall, a stream, a lawn plaza and a pavilion for serving Tempra. A dry landscape garden with waterfall and stream was made around the Tempra pavilion and a turf garden with a stone lantern and stone arrangements was laid out in the other side of the main building to obtain a good view from the room and the terrace. Because the trees were able to use only tropic ones, the shrub and the ground cover plants used around natural stone arrangements were chosen the kinds that had soft tastes (in another wards Japanese tastes). Moreover, a rock garden was installed internally at the main entrance, and it was assumed through the glass as “welcome garden”.